Artificial Intelligence, Intel

Resource Prospecting in Space with Artificial Intelligence

August 6, 2017

Occasionally, I get the chance to merge my professional and personal interests. I’ve found more than a few chances to work with e-NABLE and 3D Printing at Intel.  For the last few months, I’ve been living a childhood dream. I was one of those kids who had his head in the stars, always thinking about the future and when we could travel between planets. Alas, I never made it to the next best thing for a kid- Space Camp!

I’m making up for it 30 years later.

I’ve had the distinct pleasure to sponsor the 2017 cohort of NASA Frontier Development Lab, a research accelerator applying AI to big thinking problems for space exploration. I was approached by James Parr, Director of FDL (and head of the Open Space Agency which you must read about), in early 2017 with the chance to bring together the best talent in space and AI into what amounts to a startup accelerator. I was immediately sold. For the past few weeks, we’ve been working with a team applying Intel Nervana deep learning platform to the search for lunar resources. How? Read all about it in my post on the Intel Nervana Blog!

Prospecting for Space Resources with Intel® Nervana™


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